Frequently Asked Questions

Does it hurt?

It is like getting snapped with a rubber band. Epic has rules in place (20 foot surrender and bunker rules) to reduce close shots from happening and all games are supervised. Most people say ” its not bad at all” Enjoy high-end PEG paintballs that hurt less than cheap bouncy OIL based paintballs.

Can you give the referees a tip?

Yes, but it is not required. If the referee does a great job, they gladly appreciate any gratuities you offer them. If you are using a Credit Card or Venmo/Cash App EPIC can charge/transfer in those funds and hand you cash for the tip. Epic prefers the customer to give the gratuity directly to the referee. All employees for Epic Paintball Park do get paid an hourly wage.

Does the paint wash out of clothing?

Yes it does. Epic uses PEG not Oil based paintballs and we use yellow or white fill. It simply washes off with water. We do suggest washing your clothing the same day as play.

How many paintballs will we use?

It varies from group to group. Epic’s average is 700 a player. Since 2016 only 3 groups out of 2,000+ groups went under 500 paintballs per player.

  • 500 Paintballs per player lasts 1-1½ hours
  • 750 paintballs per player lasts 1½-2 hours
  • 1000 Paintballs per player lasts 2-3 hours

How is the deposit handled?

Epic has a $5+(.25 cent processing fee) per booked player holding deposit. This is to secure the group’s spot and # of rentals. We ask you to make your best guess on attending players. The refund is done per attending player. To avoid the .25 cent processing fee you can exit at the card payment screen and send just the BASE deposit of $5 weekend or $10 weekday per player to: CashApp – $epicpaintballpark or Venmo @epicpaintballpark. If asked for a phone number use 9448.

Example: book 18 players ($90) and only 15 show up your $90 deposit is credited for 15 players or $75 toward the purchase or refunded back to the card holder. If only 11 players of the 18 shows up then $55 would be refunded.

Have more players than I booked for?

If you are going to have extra players than what you booked for please have everyone fill out a waiver ahead of time. Epic can see on our software you will have more players and will bring extra paintballs. Your original booking deposit will suffice. If you will have over 10 extra players please call to confirm we have that much extra space. This usually isn’t a problem but best to call.

How is bad weather handled?

Oklahoma weather can change very quickly and if conditions are unsafe to play or going to be just miserable such as a complete downpour then you can move your appointment to a different date or a refund of $5 per player can be given. Epic does continue play in the rain or snow on the ground and we have thermal goggles that can be used during poor but playable weather conditions.

What should I wear?

Clothing: Hot weather- Shorts and T-shirts allowed, Cooler weather – Jeans but always wear tennis shoes or boots with ankle support.

Food and Drink allowed?

Food is allowed and you can cater or have food delivered. Outside grills can be brought to the field to cook hamburgers, hot dogs, steak etc., etc.

Alcohol such as beer or wine are acceptable. Beer isn’t allowed in the main staging area due to kids in the area. Please keep beer in your vehicle.

Smoking Allowed?

Smoking is allowed on premises but smoke in the parking lot or the designated smoking area, NO smoking in the staging area. (Private groups during the week smoking allowed in staging area)

Time Limits?

Epic doesn’t currently enforce time limits at this time. Want to play a long time like 5 hours best to book early in the day. We close in winter at 5pm and 6pm in the summer.

Epic Paintball Prices competitive?

1 bag of 500 balls $22.95+ sales tax.
(Compare to $24.95 & $25 by competitors)